Monday 14 May 2012

Final Deadline

My last University deadline is finally here, though it doesn't quite feel real, partly because I'm not submitting a finished film! I'll still be working on over the next two weeks, in-betweening, cleaning-up, colouring and compositing. With some extra hard work, I think it will be done in time for our grad show, though it's quite scary to be handing-in unfinished work in the meantime!

Here are some more pictures!

This is a little model my youngest sister did of my tree Spirit, isn't it cute? When we have time she is going to bake it and I will paint it.

Thought I would take a picture of my home workstation, though I almost always work at the Uni studio now. This is during a tidy day.

Here I've featured my new collection of acorn necklaces and a couple of real very old acorns too! I like to surround myself with references and inspiration, even if it does come off as cluttered.

And this is The Box. It's full of finished animation frames, so much so that it can't be closed anymore. I haven't added up the frame numbers yet, but when I do I'm sure it will be pretty shocking!

In the morning I'm handing a whole bunch of stuff in, including some final stills from my film, so I'll be uploading those very soon! Until then, goodnight!

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